Children's Home of Pittsburgh & Lemieux Family Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Electric current weather condition forecast for Pittsburgh, PA
Population change since 2000: -10.2%
Median resident age: | 33.3 years |
Pennsylvania median historic period: | 40.eight years |
Zip codes: 15201, 15203, 15206, 15207, 15208, 15211, 15212, 15213, 15214, 15217, 15219, 15222, 15224, 15232, 15233, 15260, 15290.
Pittsburgh Zip Code MapPittsburgh: | $53,799 |
PA: | $63,463 |
Estimated per capita income in 2019: $37,278 (it was $18,816 in 2000)
Pittsburgh city income, earnings, and wages data
Estimated median business firm or condo value in 2019: $149,200 (it was $60,700 in 2000)
Pittsburgh: | $149,200 |
PA: | $192,600 |
Mean prices in 2019: all housing units: $202,512; detached houses: $189,651; townhouses or other fastened units: $231,832; in 2-unit structures: $257,929; in 3-to-iv-unit structures: $237,539; in 5-or-more than-unit structures: $268,101; mobile homes: $41,774
Median gross rent in 2019: $1,014.
Pittsburgh, PA residents, houses, and apartments details
(15.v% for White Not-Hispanic residents, 27.1% for Black residents, 22.7% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 22.2% for American Indian residents, 47.3% for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander residents, 33.1% for other race residents, 31.7% for ii or more races residents)
Detailed information most poverty and poor residents in Pittsburgh, PA
Profiles of local businesses
Concern Search - 14 Million verified businesses
- 191,181 63.7% White alone
- lxx,549 23.5% Black alone
- sixteen,983 5.7% Asian alone
- 11,203 3.7% Hispanic
- viii,776 2.9% Two or more than races
- 851 0.3% Other race lonely
- 738 0.two% American Indian lonely
Races in Pittsburgh detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of nativity
Blazon | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
Murders (per 100,000) | 56 (17.3) | 52 (16.7) | 72 (23.2) | 39 (12.5) | 55 (17.6) | 44 (14.3) | 41 (thirteen.1) | 45 (14.half-dozen) | 69 (22.iv) | 57 (18.half-dozen) | 57 (18.8) | 55 (18.0) | 57 (18.8) |
Rapes (per 100,000) | 102 (31.iv) | 129 (41.three) | 136 (43.nine) | 116 (37.2) | 66 (21.1) | 67 (21.7) | 47 (15.1) | 78 (25.4) | 91 (29.6) | 82 (26.7) | 100 ( | ninety (29.iv) | 121 (twoscore.0) |
Robberies (per 100,000) | i,722 (530.v) | 1,596 (511.ii) | ane,541 (497.5) | one,367 (437.viii) | ane,190 (380.five) | 1,126 (364.9) | 1,134 (363.3) | 956 (310.8) | 986 (320.5) | 858 (279.6) | ane,000 (330.6) | 802 (262.ane) | 696 (230.0) |
Assaults (per 100,000) | 1,593 (490.8) | one,678 (537.five) | one,609 (519.4) | 1,565 (501.ii) | one,499 (479.3) | i,239 (401.v) | ane,125 (360.4) | 1,180 (383.6) | 1,309 (425.5) | 1,170 (381.three) | 1,209 (399.7) | 1,061 (346.8) | 877 (289.9) |
Burglaries (per 100,000) | 3,713 (one,144) | 3,418 (1,095) | 3,108 (1,003) | 2,811 (900.3) | ii,949 (943.0) | ii,686 (870.iv) | 2,537 (812.8) | 2,173 (706.4) | two,129 (692.1) | 2,197 (715.nine) | i,828 (604.4) | 1,610 (526.iii) | 1,341 (443.2) |
Thefts (per 100,000) | nine,658 (two,975) | eight,977 (2,876) | 8,258 (2,666) | 8,134 (2,605) | vii,678 (2,455) | 6,897 (two,235) | seven,610 (2,438) | seven,258 (two,359) | vii,157 (ii,327) | seven,097 (2,313) | seven,222 (2,388) | 7,238 (2,366) | 7,055 (2,332) |
Car thefts (per 100,000) | 1,865 (574.v) | 1,538 (492.7) | 1,259 (406.4) | 830 (265.eight) | 657 (210.ane) | 480 (155.5) | 544 (174.three) | 616 (200.2) | 597 (194.ane) | 601 (195.8) | 818 (270.5) | 680 (222.3) | 729 (241.0) |
Arson (per 100,000) | lxx (21.6) | 79 (25.iii) | 98 (31.half dozen) | 146 (46.8) | 154 (49.2) | 195 (63.two) | 248 (79.v) | 208 (67.6) | 192 (62.iv) | 172 (56.0) | 153 (l.6) | 136 (44.5) | 102 (33.7) | crime index | 562.0 | 558.3 | 544.1 | 474.eight | 443.i | 398.four | 387.viii | 379.three | 406.eight | 377.0 | 402.7 | 356.8 | 340.ii |
The crime index weighs serious crimes and violent crimes more heavily. College means more than crime, U.S. average is 270.6. Information technology adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities.
- ways the value is virtually the aforementioned as the country average.
- means the value is bigger than the state boilerplate.
- means the value is much bigger than the land average.
Crime rate in Pittsburgh detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson
Full-time law enforcement employees in 2019, including police officers: 1,064 (i,013 officers).
Officers per one,000 residents here: | iii.37 |
Pennsylvania average: | 1.89 |
Latest news from Pittsburgh, PA nerveless exclusively by from local newspapers, Tv set, and radio stations
Ancestries: High german (9.0%), Italian (seven.eight%), Irish (6.1%), American (6.1%), Shine (4.0%), African (2.3%).
Current Local Time: EST time zone
Incorporated on eighteen/03/1816
Height: 770 feet
State area: 55.6 foursquare miles.
Population density: five,402 people per square mile (boilerplate).
27,640 residents are foreign built-in (ii.6% Asia, ii.0% Europe, one.2% Latin America).
This city: | nine.ii% |
Pennsylvania: | 6.9% |
Median existent estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2019: $ane,926 (1.2%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2019: $1,377 (ane.i%)
Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Philadelphia, PA (257.0 miles , popular. i,517,550).
Nearest cities:
Latitude: xl.44 Due north, Longitude: 79.98 W
Daytime population alter due to commuting: +138,497 (+46.1%)
Workers who alive and work in this city: 109,238 (68.9%)
Expanse code: 412
Property values in Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania accommodation & nutrient services, waste management - Economy and Business concern Data
Single-family new house construction building permits:
- 1997: 161 buildings , average toll: $110,800
- 1998: 112 buildings , average price: $95,800
- 1999: 178 buildings , boilerplate toll: $92,000
- 2000: 182 buildings , average cost: $155,300
- 2001: 86 buildings , average cost: $112,300
- 2002: 145 buildings , average price: $144,000
- 2003: 106 buildings , average cost: $144,000
- 2004: 131 buildings , boilerplate cost: $148,600
- 2005: 65 buildings , average cost: $221,600
- 2006: 123 buildings , average cost: $155,800
- 2007: 117 buildings , average cost: $130,400
- 2008: 185 buildings , average cost: $196,700
- 2009: 118 buildings , average cost: $179,600
- 2010: 147 buildings , average price: $148,300
- 2011: 284 buildings , average cost: $220,300
- 2012: 137 buildings , average cost: $236,600
- 2013: 100 buildings , average cost: $233,900
- 2014: 89 buildings , average cost: $238,000
- 2015: 82 buildings , average cost: $229,500
- 2016: 63 buildings , average cost: $237,100
- 2017: 66 buildings , average price: $235,700
- 2018: ninety buildings , average cost: $203,000
- 2019: 78 buildings , average toll: $213,000
Hither: | vi.v% |
Pennsylvania: | 6.1% |
Both Males Females
- Educational services (fifteen.8%)
- Wellness care (14.8%)
- Professional, scientific, technical services (9.0%)
- Adaptation & nutrient services (eight.5%)
- Finance & insurance (seven.1%)
- Authoritative & support & waste direction services (4.1%)
- Structure (three.iv%)
Both Males Females
- Reckoner specialists (6.0%)
- Other management occupations, except farmers and farm managers (5.5%)
- Postsecondary teachers (4.ane%)
- Edifice and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (2.4%)
- Nursing, psychiatric, and habitation health aides (2.4%)
- Laborers and material movers, hand (2.3%)
- Engineers (2.ii%)
Average climate in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Based on information reported past over 4,000 atmospheric condition stations
(lower is better)
AQI CO NO2 SO2 Ozone PM10 PM2.v Pb
Air Quality Alphabetize (AQI) level in 2022 was 105. This is significantly worse than average.
Tornado activity:
Pittsburgh-expanse historical tornado activeness is near Pennsylvania land boilerplate. Information technology is 20% smaller than the overall U.Due south. average.
On 6/three/1980, a category F4 (max. air current speeds 207-260 mph) tornado xix.4 miles away from the Pittsburgh city heart injured 140 people and caused between $50,000,000 and $500,000,000 in damages.
On 8/3/1963, a category F3 (max. current of air speeds 158-206 mph) tornado 9.8 miles away from the city eye killed 2 people and injured lxx people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages.
Earthquake activeness:
Pittsburgh-area historical convulsion activity is significantly higher up Pennsylvania land average. It is 55% smaller than the overall U.South. boilerplate. On ix/25/1998 at 19:52:52, a magnitude 5.2 (four.8 MB, 4.3 MS, v.2 LG, 4.v MW, Depth: iii.1 mi, Class: Moderate, Intensity: Six - Seven) earthquake occurred 75.8 miles away from Pittsburgh center
On 8/23/2011 at 17:51:04, a magnitude 5.viii (v.8 MW, Depth: mi) earthquake occurred 206.5 miles away from Pittsburgh centre
On 1/31/1986 at sixteen:46:43, a magnitude 5.0 (v.0 MB) earthquake occurred 101.3 miles abroad from Pittsburgh center
On 7/27/1980 at eighteen:52:21, a magnitude v.2 (five.1 MB, four.7 MS, 5.0 Great britain, 5.2 Great britain) earthquake occurred 262.five miles away from Pittsburgh heart
On 12/31/2011 at 20:05:01, a magnitude 4.0 (4.0 ML, Depth: 3.1 mi, Course: Lite, Intensity: Four - Five) earthquake occurred 59.9 miles abroad from the urban center centre
On 8/9/2020 at 12:07:37, a magnitude 5.1 (5.1 MW, Depth: 4.vii mi) earthquake occurred 280.9 miles away from Pittsburgh center
Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), local magnitude (ML), surface-moving ridge magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)
Natural disasters:
The number of natural disasters in Allegheny County (15) is near the US average (15).Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 12
Emergencies Declared: 3
Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 6, Storms: vi, Wintertime Storms: 3, Hurricanes: 2, Tornadoes: 2, Blizzard: 1, Snowfall: one, Snowstorm: one, Tropical Depression: 1, Tropical Tempest: one, Other: one (Note: some incidents may exist assigned to more than 1 category).
Hospitals in Pittsburgh:
- ALLEGHENY GENERAL Infirmary (Voluntary non-turn a profit - Other, provides emergency services, 320 E N Avenue)
- UPMC PASSAVANT (Voluntary non-profit - Individual, 9100 BABCOCK BOULEVARD)
Airports and heliports located in Pittsburgh:
- Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) ( Runways: 5, Commercial Ops: 87,010, Air Taxi Ops: 35,727, Afoot Ops: eleven,638, Local Ops: 10,638, War machine Ops: 7,235)
- Allegheny County Airdrome (AGC) ( Runways: 3, Commercial Ops: 6, Air Taxi Ops: 18,652, Itinerant Ops: 26,186, Local Ops: 10,742, Military Ops: 264)
- Pittsburgh Northeast Drome (9G1) ( Runways: one, Itinerant Ops: 655, Local Ops: 900, War machine Ops: 50)
- Heliports: fifteen
Amtrak station:
PITTSBURGH (1100 Liberty AVE.) . Services: ticket office, fully wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, vending machines, ATM, free short-term parking, paid long-term parking, call for auto rental service, phone call for taxi service, intercity coach service, public transit connection.
Biggest Colleges/Universities in Pittsburgh:
- University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus (Full-time enrollment: 27,137; Location: 4200 Fifth Avenue; Public; Website:; Offers Doctor's degree)
- Carnegie Mellon University (Full-fourth dimension enrollment: 14,186; Location: 5000 Forbes Avenue; Private, non-for-profit; Website:; Offers Doctor'due south degree)
- Community Higher of Allegheny Canton (Full-time enrollment: 13,486; Location: 800 Allegheny Ave; Public; Website:
- The Art Institute of Pittsburgh-Online Division (Full-time enrollment: 11,040; Private, for-profit; Website:
- Duquesne University (Total-time enrollment: 8,211; Location: Administration Bldg 600 Forbes Ave; Private, not-for-profit; Website: world wide; Offers Doctor's degree)
- Point Park University (Total-fourth dimension enrollment: 3,525; Location: 201 Wood St; Private, not-for-profit; Website:; Offers Primary'due south degree)
- Carlow University (Total-fourth dimension enrollment: i,911; Location: 3333 5th Ave; Individual, non-for-profit; Website: world wide; Offers Doctor'due south degree)
- Chatham University (Total-time enrollment: 1,877; Location: Woodland Rd; Private, not-for-turn a profit; Website:; Offers Doc's degree)
- The Fine art Institute of Pittsburgh (Full-time enrollment: 1,840; Location: 420 Boulevard of the Allies; Private, for-profit; Website:
- La Roche College (Total-time enrollment: 1,321; Location: 9000 Babcock Blvd; Individual, non-for-profit; Website: world wide; Offers Primary's caste)
- Kaplan Career Found-Pittsburgh (Full-fourth dimension enrollment: 988; Location: 933 Penn Avenue; Private, for-turn a profit; Website:
- Rosedale Technical Found (Full-time enrollment: 965; Location: 215 Beecham Drive, Suite ii; Individual, not-for-turn a profit; Website: world wide
- Everest Institute-Pittsburgh (Full-time enrollment: 725; Location: 100 Forbes Ave, Suite 1200; Private, for-turn a profit; Website:
- Sanford-Brownish Institute-Pittsburgh (Full-time enrollment: 665; Location: 421 Seventh Artery; Individual, for-profit; Website:
- Bradford School (Full-time enrollment: 517; Location: 125 Due west Station Foursquare Drive, Suite 129; Private, for-profit; Website: world wide
- Vet Tech Institute (Full-time enrollment: 467; Location: 125 Seventh St; Individual, for-turn a profit; Website:
- Triangle Tech Inc-Pittsburgh (Total-time enrollment: 447; Location: 1940 Perrysville Avenue; Private, for-turn a profit; Website:
- University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre-Shadyside School of Nursing (Full-time enrollment: 349; Location: 5230 Centre Ave; Private, not-for-turn a profit; Website:
- Sanford-Dark-brown Institute-Wilkins Township (Full-fourth dimension enrollment: 320; Location: 777 Penn Heart Boulevard, Edifice 7; Private, for-profit; Website:
- Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science Inc (Full-time enrollment: 272; Location: 5808 Baum Blvd; Individual, not-for-profit; Website: world wide
Biggest public loftier schools in Pittsburgh:
- MT LEBANON SHS (Students: ane,950, Location: 155 COCHRAN RD, Grades: 9-12)
- FOX CHAPEL AREA HS (Students: 1,620, Location: 611 FIELD Guild RD, Grades: 9-12)
- BALDWIN SHS (Students: 1,575, Location: 4653 CLAIRTON BLVD, Grades: nine-12)
- SHALER Area HS (Students: i,499, Location: 381 WIBLE RUN RD, Grades: 9-12)
- PLUM SHS (Students: one,479, Location: 900 ELICKER RD, Grades: nine-12)
- UPPER SAINT CLAIR HS (Students: 1,431, Location: 1825 MCLAUGHLIN RUN RD, Grades: nine-12)
- PENN HILLS SHS (Students: 1,430, Location: 309 COLLINS Drive, Grades: 9-12)
- KEYSTONE OAKS HS (Students: 863, Location: 1000 KELTON AVE, Grades: 9-12)
- NORTHGATE MSHS (Students: 734, Location: 589 UNION AVE, Grades: 7-12)
- WOODLAND HILLS SHS (Students: 574, Location: 2550 GREENSBURG Throughway, Grades: 9-12)
Biggest private high schools in Pittsburgh:
- SHADY SIDE ACADEMY (Students: 928, Location: 423 FOX CHAPEL RD, Grades: PK-12)
- CENTRAL Cosmic High School (Students: 840, Location: 4720 fifth AVE, Grades: 9-12, Boys only)
- WINCHESTER THURSTON SCHOOL (Students: 652, Location: 555 MOREWOOD AVE, Grades: PK-12)
- OAKLAND Catholic High School (Students: 611, Location: 144 N CRAIG ST, Grades: 9-12, Girls merely)
- EDEN CHRISTIAN Academy (Students: 590, Location: 206 SIEBERT RD STE 7, Grades: PK-12)
- SETON-LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL (Students: 497, Location: yard MCNEILLY RD, Grades: 9-12)
- BISHOP CANEVIN High Schoolhouse (Students: 377, Location: 2700 MORANGE RD, Grades: 9-12)
- YESHIVA SCHOOLS OF PITTSBURGH (Students: 347, Location: 2100 WIGHTMAN ST, Grades: PK-12)
- IMANI CHRISTIAN University (Students: 240, Location: 2150 E HILLS DR, Grades: KG-12)
- NORTH CATHOLIC Loftier SCHOOL (Students: 238, Location: 1400 TROY Loma RD, Grades: nine-12)
Biggest public elementary/middle schools in Pittsburgh:
- WOODLAND HILLS JHS (Students: ane,827, Location: 7600 EVANS ST, Grades: 7-viii)
- LINTON MS (Students: 1,769, Location: 250 ASTER ST, Grades: 5-8)
- Due north HILLS MS (Students: 1,334, Location: 55 ROCHESTER RD, Grades: seven-8)
- DORSEYVILLE MS (Students: ane,056, Location: 3732 SAXONBURG BLVD, Grades: vi-8)
- HARRISON MS (Students: 960, Location: 129 WINDVALE DR, Grades: 6-8)
- CHARTIERS VALLEY INTRMD Schoolhouse (Students: 743, Location: 2030 SWALLOW HILL RD, Grades: 3-5)
- MCKNIGHT EL SCH (Students: 719, Location: 500 CUMBERLAND RD, Grades: KG-five)
- OHARA EL SCH (Students: 692, Location: 115 CABIN LANE, Grades: KG-5)
- OBLOCK JHS (Students: 689, Location: 440 PRESQUE Isle DR, Grades: 7-8)
- MELLON MS (Students: 679, Location: 11 CASTLE SHANNON BOULEVARD, Grades: 6-8)
Biggest individual elementary/heart schools in Pittsburgh:
- ST LOUISE DE MARILLAC SCHOOL (Students: 475, Location: 310 MCMURRAY RD, Grades: KG-8)
- SACRED Eye Unproblematic SCHOOL (Students: 474, Location: 325 EMERSON ST, Grades: PK-8)
- ST SEBASTIAN School (Students: 456, Location: 307 SIEBERT RD, Grades: PK-8)
- ST GABRIEL-SORROWFUL VIRGIN SCHOOL (Students: 405, Location: 5200 GREENRIDGE DR, Grades: KG-8)
- ST PHILIP SCHOOL (Students: 358, Location: 52 Westward CRAFTON AVE, Grades: PK-8)
- FALK LABORATORY SCHOOL (Students: 352, Location: 4060 ALLEQUIPPA ST, Grades: KG-8)
- OUR LADY OF GRACE SCHOOL (Students: 323, Location: 1734 BOWER Hill RD, Grades: PK-8)
- ST BEDE School (Students: 317, Location: 6920 EDGERTON AVE, Grades: KG-eight)
- ST ELIZABETH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Students: 309, Location: 1 GROVE PL, Grades: PK-8)
- ST BERNARD SCHOOL (Students: 308, Location: 401 WASHINGTON RD, Grades: PK-8)
Libraries in Pittsburgh:
- CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH (Operating income: $25,914,870; Location: 4400 FORBES AVENUE; one,726,306 books; 18,786 east-books; 74,849 audio materials; 73,071 video materials; 41 state licensed databases; 3,224 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
- ALLEGHENY Canton LIBRARY ASSOC (Operating income: $4,393,348; Location: 22 WABASH STREET, SUITE 203; 55,751 books; xv,627 e-books; iii,444 audio materials; vi,522 video materials; 41 state licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 77 print serial subscriptions; i electronic serial subscriptions)
- NORTHLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $2,533,546; Location: 300 CUMBERLAND RD; 177,927 books; 15,627 due east-books; 12,656 audio materials; 10,854 video materials; iv local licensed databases; 41 country licensed databases; sixteen other licensed databases; 369 print serial subscriptions; 7 electronic series subscriptions)
- Mount Lebanon PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $2,228,002; Location: 16 CASTLE SHANNON BLVD; 155,255 books; 15,627 e-books; ix,517 sound materials; 7,648 video materials; 27 local licensed databases; 41 country licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 303 print serial subscriptions; 5 electronic serial subscriptions)
- WILLIAM Eastward. ANDERSON LIBRARY OF PENN HILLS (Operating income: $1,015,056; Location: 1037 STOTLER Route; 104,729 books; xv,627 e-books; 13,389 sound materials; 12,365 video materials; 41 land licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 208 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic series subscriptions)
- LAURI ANN Due west MEM LIBRARY (Operating income: $670,649; Location: 1220 POWERS RUN Route; 72,470 books; xv,627 due east-books; 3,226 sound materials; 4,396 video materials; 4 local licensed databases; 41 state licensed databases; sixteen other licensed databases; 153 print serial subscriptions; 2 electronic series subscriptions)
- WHITEHALL PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $569,080; Location: 100 Civic PARK DR; 51,585 books; 15,627 e-books; 5,238 audio materials; 4,838 video materials; 41 country licensed databases; sixteen other licensed databases; 118 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic series subscriptions)
- C C MELLOR MEMORIAL LIBRARY (Operating income: $371,823; Location: ONE PENNWOOD AVE; 40,851 books; 15,627 e-books; 2,264 audio materials; three,022 video materials; 41 land licensed databases; xvi other licensed databases; 78 impress serial subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
- BALDWIN Civic PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $361,702; Location: WALLACE Edifice, 41 MACEK DRIVE; 22,207 books; xv,627 eastward-books; 2,189 audio materials; two,669 video materials; 41 country licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 72 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic series subscriptions)
- BRENTWOOD LIBRARY (Operating income: $349,504; Location: 3501 BROWNSVILLE RD; 44,930 books; xv,627 due east-books; 1,774 audio materials; iii,964 video materials; 41 state licensed databases; sixteen other licensed databases; 65 print series subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
- GREEN TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $288,099; Location: x West MANILLA AVE; 32,856 books; xv,627 e-books; ii,571 audio materials; i,880 video materials; 41 land licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 109 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
- PLEASANT HILLS PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $282,415; Location: 302 Old CLAIRTON RD; 53,042 books; xv,627 e-books; two,177 audio materials; three,028 video materials; 41 state licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 106 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
- PLUM BOROUGH LIBRARY (Operating income: $276,961; Location: 445 CENTER-NEW TEXAS ROAD; 33,886 books; fifteen,627 e-books; ii,130 audio materials; 2,346 video materials; 41 land licensed databases; 16 other licensed databases; 79 print series subscriptions; ane electronic series subscriptions)
- DORMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $231,897; Location: 2950 WEST LIBERTY AVE; 27,759 books; xv,627 eastward-books; one,111 sound materials; 1,745 video materials; 41 state licensed databases; sixteen other licensed databases; 64 print serial subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
- CRAFTON PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $170,720; Location: 140 BRADFORD AVE; 24,237 books; fifteen,627 e-books; i,876 audio materials; iii,116 video materials; 41 country licensed databases; xvi other licensed databases; 79 impress serial subscriptions; 1 electronic serial subscriptions)
User-submitted facts and corrections:
- wamo 106 jamz fm. radio station added by karl lumbardi
- Third largest academy: Robert Morris University
- Carlow College became Carlow University and Point Park College became Point Park University
- Corrections in your radio station owners for your FM listings. Clear Channel at present owns the post-obit stations: WJJJ, WWSW, WKST, WDVE, WXDX. Steel City Media owns the post-obit: WLTJ, WRRK
- Birth place of professional Jai Alai players, brothers Joey and John Cole.
Points of involvement:
Click to draw/clear metropolis borders
Notable locations in Pittsburgh: Fort Pitt (A), Allegheny Observatory (B), Schenley Park Golf Course (C), Golden Triangle (D), Western State Penitentiary (E), Fraternity Quadrangle (F), Assumption Commons (Grand), Belasco Station (H), Boggs Station (I), Boustead Station (J), Declension Station (Thou), Dawn Station (L), Fallowfield Station (M), Hampshire Station (Due north), Neeld Station (O), Palm Garden Station (P), Pennant Station (Q), Pittsburgh Amtrak Station (R), Shiras Station (S), Southward Hills Junction Station (T). Display/hide their locations on the map
Shopping Centers: Waterworks Mall Shopping Centre (1), Allegheny Centre Mall (two), Shadyside Shopping Center (3). Brandish/hide their locations on the map
Primary business address in Pittsburgh include: Full general Diet CENTERS INC (A), FEDERATED INVESTORS INC /PA/ (B), MELLON BANK N A (C), REUNION INDUSTRIES INC (D), ALCOA INC (E), SERVICEWARE TECHNOLOGIES INC/ DE (F), AMPCO PITTSBURGH CORP (G). Display/hibernate their locations on the map
Churches in Pittsburgh include: Immaculate Eye of Mary Church (A), Immaculate Formulation Church (B), Homewood Church of Christ (C), Holy Innocents Church (D), Holy Ghost Byzantine Church (E), Holy Cross Episcopal Church (F), Holy Assumption Orthodox Church building (Thousand), Holy Angels Church building (H), Hilltop Baptist Church building (I). Display/hide their locations on the map
Cemeteries: Uniondale Cemetery (i), Allegheny Cemetery (two), Zedeck Cemetery (3), South Side Cemetery (4), Calvary Cemetery (5), Smithfield Cemetery (6), Saint Adelbert Cemetery (seven). Display/hibernate their locations on the map
Lakes and reservoirs: Carnegie Lake (A), Panther Hollow Lake (B), Allegheny River Pool Ii (C). Display/hibernate their locations on the map
Streams, rivers, and creeks: Ninemile Run (A), Jacks Run (B), Drinking glass Run (C), Chartiers Creek (D), Sawmill Run (E), Allegheny River (F), Whiskey Run (Grand), Monongahela River (H). Display/hide their locations on the map
Parks in Pittsburgh include: Riverview Park (ane), Westinghouse Park (two), Ammon Playground (3), Herron Hill Park (iv), Pitt Stadium (5), Arlington Playground (6), Armstrong Playground (seven), Flag Plaza (8), River Front end Park (ix). Brandish/hide their locations on the map
Tourist attractions: Solarium Phipps Inc (Museums; Schenley Park) (1), Bayernhof Museum (113 Joanne St) (2), Carnegie Science Center (Museums; 1 Allegheny Avenue) (3), Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh - the Andy Warhol Museum- Media Relat (117 Sandusky Street) (four), Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh - the Andy Warhol Museum- Moving picture & Video (117 Sandusky Street) (5), Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh - the Andy Warhol Museum- Group Reservat (117 Sandusky Street) (half-dozen), Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh - Carnegie Science Center- Volunteer Of (Allegheny Artery) (7), Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh - Carnegie Scientific discipline Middle- Facilities Re (Allegheny Avenue) (8), Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh - Corporate Offices- Job Information Hot (4400 Forbes Avenue) (9). Display/hide their estimate locations on the map
Hotels: All-time Western University Center (3401 Boulevard Of The Allies) (1), Avalon Motel (512 Ohio River Boulevard) (ii), Four Points By Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport (one Industry St) (3), Bridgestreet Corporate Housing (1501 Reedsdale Street) (4), Allegheny Center (ten Allegheny Centre) (5), Gulliver's Travels Inc (460 Southward Graham Street) (6), All-time Western Airport Inn (750 Aten Road) (7), Days Inn Harmarville (Pa Turnpike 76 & Road 28) (viii), Concept-Development (5405 fifth Avenue Ofc) (9). Display/hibernate their estimate locations on the map
Courts: Allegheny County - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas- Farino S Louis (701 City County Edifice) (1), Allegheny County - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas- Folino Rona (704 City Canton Edifice) (ii), Allegheny County - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas- Friedman Judith (712 Metropolis County Edifice) (iii), Allegheny Canton - Judges Of The Court Of Common Pleas- Gallo Robert C (708 City Canton Edifice) (iv), Allegheny County - Judges Of The Court Of Common Pleas- General Info (201 County) (five), Allegheny Canton - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas- Horgos Robe (816 Metropolis County Edifice) (half-dozen), Allegheny County - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas- Johnson Livingst (701A City Canton Edifice) (7), Allegheny Canton - Judges Of The Courtroom Of Common Pleas- Louik Maurice (818 Metropolis County) (8), Allegheny County - Judges Of The Courtroom Of Common Pleas- Lutty Paul (814 Urban center Co Building) (9). Display/hide their guess locations on the map
Birthplace of: Jeff Habay - Political leader, Donald Wuerl - Cardinal, Julie Benz - Actress, Tom Vilsack - (built-in 1950), Governor of Iowa, Tom Savini - Moving-picture show actor, Jason Taylor (American football) - Football game player, Sam McDowell - Baseball player, Gertrude Stein, Tom Atkins (histrion) - Moving picture histrion, Murray Chotiner - Political operative.
Drinking water stations with addresses in Pittsburgh and their reported violations in the past:
ASPINWALL BORO WATER DEPT (Population served: 2,097, Purch surface water):Past monitoring violations:BLAWNOX BORO WATER DEPT (Population served: 1,550, Purch surface water):
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Betwixt APR-2014 and JUN-2014, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-upwardly actions: St Compliance accomplished (AUG-25-2014)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2014 and JUN-2014, Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-upward actions: St Compliance accomplished (AUG-25-2014)
Past monitoring violations:GETTYSBURG CIGARETE CELLAR (Population served: 500, Groundwater):
- Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Filter) - In NOV-2011. Follow-upwards actions: St Compliance achieved (DEC-22-2011)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between OCT-2011 and DEC-2011, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (DEC-22-2011)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Betwixt JUL-2011 and SEP-2011, Contaminant: Full Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-upward actions: St Compliance achieved (NOV-22-2011)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2011 and SEP-2011, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-up actions: St Compliance accomplished (November-xvi-2011)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2010 and SEP-2010, Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-up deportment: St Public Notif requested (NOV-05-2010), St Formal November issued (NOV-05-2010), St Compliance achieved (JAN-04-2011), St Public Notif received (JUL-08-2011)
- One routine major monitoring violation
- 2 other older monitoring violations
Past health violations:COLONIAL VILLAGE (Serves NY, Population served: 300, Groundwater):Past monitoring violations:
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between April-2008 and JUN-2008, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up deportment: St Compliance achieved (JUL-30-2008), St Violation/Reminder Notice (JUL-30-2008), St Public Notif requested (JUL-thirty-2008), St Compliance achieved (AUG-04-2008), St Violation/Reminder Discover (AUG-04-2008), St Public Notif requested (AUG-04-2008)
- MCL, Acute (TCR) - Between APR-2008 and JUN-2008, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (JUL-xxx-2008), St Violation/Reminder Find (JUL-30-2008), St Public Notif requested (JUL-30-2008), St Compliance achieved (AUG-04-2008), St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-04-2008), St Public Notif requested (AUG-04-2008)
- nine routine major monitoring violations
- two regular monitoring violations
By wellness violations:PA MOTOR SPEEDWAY SNACK BAR (Population served: 250, Groundwater):
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between Oct-2012 and DEC-2012, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upward actions: St Formal November issued (OCT-29-2012), St Compliance achieved (NOV-02-2012), St Public Notif requested (November-05-2012), St Public Notif received (NOV-26-2012)
By health violations:ABBEY Woods Development (Population served: 132, Groundwater):Past monitoring violations:
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2007 and SEP-2007, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upward deportment: St Public Notif requested (Oct-25-2007), St Public Notif received (Oct-25-2007), St Compliance achieved (Oct-25-2007), St Formal NOV issued (OCT-25-2007)
- MCL, Acute (TCR) - Between JUL-2007 and SEP-2007, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upwards actions: St Public Notif requested (October-25-2007), St Public Notif received (OCT-25-2007), St Compliance achieved (Oct-25-2007), St Formal NOV issued (October-25-2007)
- Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Between SEP-25-2012 and Oct-25-2012, Contaminant: E. COLI. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-13-2012), St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-13-2012), St Compliance achieved (JUL-23-2013), St Public Notif received (JUL-23-2013)
- three routine major monitoring violations
- One regular monitoring violation
Past monitoring violations:SARAH HEINZ HOUSE (Population served: 100, Groundwater):
- Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In SEP-2013, Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE. Follow-upwards actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (November-01-2013), St Compliance achieved (November-01-2013)
- Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In MAR-2012, Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (MAY-01-2012), St Compliance achieved (MAY-01-2012)
- Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In FEB-2012, Contaminant: GROUNDWATER Rule. Follow-upwardly actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (MAR-26-2012), St Compliance accomplished (MAR-26-2012), St Public Notif requested (MAR-26-2012), St Public Notif received (MAY-25-2012)
- Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In Jan-2012, Contaminant: GROUNDWATER Dominion. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (FEB-28-2012), St Violation/Reminder Find (FEB-28-2012), St Compliance achieved (February-28-2012), St Public Notif received (MAY-25-2012)
Past health violations:COLONIAL GLENN ESTATES (Population served: 65, Groundwater):Past monitoring violations:
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between APR-2013 and JUN-2013, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-upward deportment: St Public Notif received (JUN-26-2013), St Compliance achieved (JUN-26-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (JUN-26-2013)
- MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JAN-2010 and MAR-2010, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (MAY-xiii-2010), St Public Notif received (MAY-thirteen-2010), St Compliance achieved (MAY-13-2010), St Formal Nov issued (MAY-13-2010)
- MCL, Astute (TCR) - In JUN-2009, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-20-2009), St Public Notif received (AUG-xx-2009), St Compliance achieved (AUG-20-2009), St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-20-2009)
- Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Between JUN-20-2013 and JUL-20-2013, Contaminant: E. COLI. Follow-upward actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-12-2013), St Compliance achieved (AUG-12-2013), St Violation/Reminder Observe (AUG-12-2013)
- Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In JUN-2013, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-12-2013), St Compliance achieved (AUG-12-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-12-2013)
- Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Betwixt MAY-31-2013 and JUN-30-2013, Contaminant: E. COLI. Follow-upwardly deportment: St Public Notif received (JUN-26-2013), St Compliance achieved (JUN-26-2013), St Violation/Reminder Observe (JUN-26-2013)
- Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Betwixt MAY-09-2013 and JUN-09-2013, Contaminant: E. COLI. Follow-up deportment: St Public Notif received (JUN-26-2013), St Compliance achieved (JUN-26-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (JUN-26-2013)
- 2 routine major monitoring violations
- One modest monitoring violation
By health violations:Past monitoring violations:
- Handling Technique (SWTR and GWR) - In AUG-2013, Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE. Follow-upwards actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (SEP-23-2013), St Compliance achieved (SEP-25-2013)
- Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In JUL-2013, Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (SEP-04-2013), St Compliance achieved (SEP-09-2013)
- Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2010 and SEP-2010, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-upward actions: St Violation/Reminder Discover (October-28-2010), St Compliance achieved (Oct-28-2010)
- 30 regular monitoring violations
Drinking water stations with addresses in Pittsburgh that accept no violations reported:
- HERITAGE RESERVATION-BSA (Population served: 150, Primary Water Source Type: Groundwater)
Average household size:
This metropolis: | 2.1 people |
Pennsylvania: | 2.5 people |
Percentage of family households:
This city: | 45.iii% |
Whole state: | 65.0% |
Pct of households with single partners:
This city: | 7.iii% |
Whole state: | 6.half dozen% |
Probable homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)
- Lesbian couples: 0.4% of all households
- Gay men: 0.v% of all households
People in group quarters in Pittsburgh in 2010:
- 15,715 people in college/university student housing
- ii,594 people in local jails and other municipal confinement facilities
- 2,242 people in nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities
- one,704 people in state prisons
- 659 people in other noninstitutional facilities
- 435 people in emergency and transitional shelters (with sleeping facilities) for people experiencing homelessness
- 344 people in group homes intended for adults
- 191 people in residential treatment centers for adults
- 180 people in correctional residential facilities
- 93 people in correctional facilities intended for juveniles
- 74 people in grouping homes for juveniles (not-correctional)
- 43 people in residential treatment centers for juveniles (non-correctional)
- 34 people in mental (psychiatric) hospitals and psychiatric units in other hospitals
- eighteen people in workers' grouping living quarters and job corps centers
- iii people in hospitals with patients who have no usual home elsewhere
People in group quarters in Pittsburgh in 2000:
- 12,335 people in higher dormitories (includes college quarters off campus)
- 2,785 people in local jails and other solitude facilities (including constabulary lockups)
- ii,580 people in nursing homes
- 1,765 people in state prisons
- 644 people in other noninstitutional group quarters
- 490 people in wards in general hospitals for patients who have no usual dwelling house elsewhere
- 440 people in homes for the mentally ill
- 311 people in job corps and vocational preparation facilities
- 252 people in other nonhousehold living situations
- 251 people in religious group quarters
- 173 people in other group homes
- 120 people in hospitals/wards and hospices for chronically ill
- 120 people in short-term care, detention or diagnostic centers for runaway children
- 120 people in homes for the mentally retarded
- 98 people in other hospitals or wards for chronically sick
- 96 people in homes or halfway houses for drug/alcohol abuse
- 87 people in other types of correctional institutions
- 76 people in halfway houses
- 71 people in unknown juvenile institutions
- 35 people in residential treatment centers for emotionally disturbed children
- 22 people in hospices or homes for chronically ill
- 19 people in orthopedic wards and institutions for the physically handicapped
- xvi people in mental (psychiatric) hospitals or wards
- 14 people in homes for abused, dependent, and neglected children
- 13 people in hospitals or wards for drug/alcohol abuse
Arenas or stadiums:
- Heinz Field. Chapters: 64,450. Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Panthers.
- Mellon Arena. Pittsburgh Penguins (NHL).
- Petersen Events Center. University of Pittsburgh.
Banks with nearly branches in Pittsburgh (2011 information):
- PNC Bank, National Association: 56 branches. Info updated 2012/03/twenty: Bank assets: $263,309.6 mil, Deposits: $197,343.0 mil, headquarters in Wilmington, DE, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 3085 total offices , Holding Visitor: Pnc Financial Services Group, Inc., The
- Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania: forty branches. Info updated 2010/09/24: Banking concern assets: $32,316.ix mil, Deposits: $25,297.1 mil, headquarters in Philadelphia, PA, positive income , 396 total offices , Holding Company: United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Financial Investments Limited
- First National Bank of Pennsylvania: 29 branches. Info updated 2012/01/x: Bank assets: $9,581.0 mil, Deposits: $7,462.2 mil, headquarters in Greenville, PA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 291 total offices , Belongings Company: F.North.b. Corporation
- Kickoff Niagara Depository financial institution, National Association: 21 branches. Info updated 2011/06/09: Bank assets: $32,750.6 mil, Deposits: $19,595.4 mil, headquarters in Buffalo, NY, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 351 total offices , Holding Company: Kickoff Niagara Financial Grouping, Inc.
- Dollar Bank, Federal Savings Bank: nineteen branches. Info updated 2011/07/21: Banking company assets: $6,350.8 mil, Deposits: $4,971.eight mil, local headquarters , positive income, Mortgage Lending Specialization, 62 full offices
- Start Commonwealth Banking concern: 16 branches. Info updated 2010/11/23: Banking company assets: $5,779.0 mil, Deposits: $iv,511.6 mil, headquarters in Indiana, PA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 112 total offices , Property Visitor: Kickoff Commonwealth Fiscal Corporation
- Allegiance Savings Bank: 10 branches. Info updated 2006/11/03: Banking concern assets: $656.four mil, Deposits: $460.7 mil, local headquarters , positive income , thirteen total offices , Holding Company: Fidelity Bancorp, Inc.
- Fifth 3rd Bank: viii branches. Info updated 2009/x/05: Banking concern assets: $114,540.4 mil, Deposits: $89,689.1 mil, headquarters in Cincinnati, OH, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 1378 total offices , Holding Company: Fifth Third Bancorp
- S&T Bank: 7 branches. Info updated 2012/03/14: Banking concern assets: $iv,099.9 mil, Deposits: $three,349.5 mil, headquarters in Indiana, PA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 60 total offices , Property Company: Due south & T Bancorp, Inc.
- xviii other banks with 44 local branches
For population 15 years and over in Pittsburgh:
- Never married: 52.0%
- Now married: 31.half dozen%
- Separated: 1.8%
- Widowed: 5.i%
- Divorced: ix.five%
For population 25 years and over in Pittsburgh:
- High school or higher: 94.1%
- Bachelor's caste or college: 47.0%
- Graduate or professional person degree: 22.eight%
- Unemployed: ten.1%
- Mean travel time to piece of work (commute): 23.8 minutes
Teaching Gini index (Inequality in education)
Here: | 11.8 |
Pennsylvania average: | 11.three |
Graphs correspond county-level information. Detailed 2008 Election Results
Political contributions by individuals in Pittsburgh, PA
Religion statistics for Pittsburgh, PA (based on Allegheny County information)
Faith | Adherents | Congregations |
Catholic | 460,672 | 183 |
Mainline Protestant | 139,551 | 414 |
Evangelical Protestant | 78,101 | 349 |
Other | 38,781 | 98 |
Black Protestant | 14,268 | 75 |
Orthodox | nine,606 | 29 |
None | 482,369 | - |
Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale Eastward.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 The statesReligion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale East., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Eye. Graphs represent county-level data
Food Environment Statistics:
Number of grocery stores: 209
This canton: | 1.72 / 10,000 popular. |
Pennsylvania: | two.04 / 10,000 pop. |
Number of supercenters and gild stores: 11
Allegheny County: | 0.09 / 10,000 popular. |
State: | 0.09 / 10,000 pop. |
Number of convenience stores (no gas): 133
Here: | one.09 / x,000 pop. |
Pennsylvania: | 0.88 / 10,000 pop. |
Number of convenience stores (with gas): 297
Allegheny County: | 2.44 / ten,000 popular. |
Pennsylvania: | 2.52 / ten,000 pop. |
Number of total-service restaurants: 993
Allegheny Canton: | 8.xv / 10,000 pop. |
Pennsylvania: | vii.12 / 10,000 pop. |
Adult diabetes rate:
Allegheny Canton: | |
State: | 9.ane% |
Adult obesity rate:
Allegheny Canton: | 26.3% |
Pennsylvania: | 27.ii% |
Low-income preschool obesity charge per unit:
Allegheny County: | 12.ix% |
State: | 11.5% |
Health and Nutrition:
Good for you diet charge per unit:
Here: | 54.3% |
Pennsylvania: | 50.2% |
Average overall health of teeth and gums:
Boilerplate BMI:
Pittsburgh: | 28.2 |
Pennsylvania: | 28.7 |
People feeling badly about themselves:
This city: | 17.2% |
Pennsylvania: | 20.8% |
People not drinking booze at all:
Pittsburgh: | |
Country: | 10.nine% |
Average hours sleeping at night:
Pittsburgh: | half dozen.nine |
Pennsylvania: | half dozen.eight |
Overweight people:
Here: | 32.5% |
Pennsylvania: | 34.iii% |
Full general health condition:
This city: | 61.0% |
Pennsylvania: | 56.two% |
Boilerplate condition of hearing:
This urban center: | 81.vii% |
Pennsylvania: | 78.3% |
More than about Health and Nutrition of Pittsburgh, PA Residents
Local authorities employment and payroll (March 2019) | |||||
Role | Total-time employees | Monthly full-fourth dimension payroll | Average yearly full-time wage | Part-time employees | Monthly part-time payroll |
Law Protection - Officers | 938 | $7,304,995 | $93,454 | 0 | $0 |
Firefighters | 664 | $4,355,942 | $78,722 | 0 | $0 |
Streets and Highways | 479 | $2,050,590 | $51,372 | 33 | $50,151 |
Health | 213 | $1,631,247 | $91,901 | 0 | $0 |
Other Regime Administration | 177 | $907,333 | $61,514 | xx | $28,657 |
Solid Waste Management | 176 | $645,447 | $44,008 | 0 | $0 |
Financial Administration | 168 | $819,771 | $58,555 | 13 | $17,466 |
Police - Other | 112 | $475,296 | $50,925 | 81 | $152,853 |
Housing and Community Development (Local) | 96 | $578,343 | $72,293 | ii | $952 |
Other and Unallocable | 83 | $399,313 | $57,732 | 2 | $132 |
Parks and Recreation | 69 | $235,021 | $40,873 | 67 | $83,124 |
Judicial and Legal | 29 | $168,980 | $69,923 | 9 | $17,315 |
Burn - Other | nineteen | $67,677 | $42,743 | 0 | $0 |
Natural Resources | 18 | $80,870 | $53,913 | 0 | $0 |
Welfare | 17 | $79,351 | $56,012 | 0 | $0 |
Totals for Government | three,258 | $19,800,177 | $72,929 | 227 | $350,650 |
Pittsburgh regime finances - Expenditure in 2022 (per resident):
- Construction - Regular Highways: $1,078,000 ($3.59)
- Current Operations - General - Other: $239,949,000 ($799.07)
Police Protection: $97,912,000 ($326.06)
Regular Highways: $96,184,000 ($320.31)
Local Fire Protection: $seventy,320,000 ($234.xviii)
Central Staff Services: $63,917,000 ($212.85)
Financial Administration: $19,932,000 ($66.38)
Health - Other: $19,897,000 ($66.26)
Solid Waste Direction: $18,643,000 ($62.08)
Housing and Customs Development: $14,638,000 ($48.75)
Parks and Recreation: $nine,376,000 ($31.22)
Judicial and Legal Services: $4,987,000 ($16.61)
Protective Inspection and Regulation - Other: $4,888,000 ($xvi.28)
General Public Buildings: $2,580,000 ($8.59)
- General - Involvement on Debt: $21,662,000 ($72.14)
- Total Salaries and Wages: $233,034,000 ($776.04)
Pittsburgh government finances - Revenue in 2022 (per resident):
- Charges - Other: $45,365,000 ($151.07)
Parks and Recreation: $4,044,000 ($13.47)
Solid Waste Management: $one,118,000 ($3.72)
Regular Highways: $38,000 ($0.13)
- Federal Intergovernmental - Housing and Customs Development: $18,189,000 ($sixty.57)
Other: $v,113,000 ($17.03)
Highways: $4,587,000 ($15.28)
- Local Intergovernmental - Other: $2,004,000 ($half dozen.67)
Full general Local Government Support: $391,000 ($1.30)
Highways: $211,000 ($0.70)
- Miscellaneous - Fines and Forfeits: $nine,177,000 ($30.56)
Donations From Private Sources: $5,511,000 ($xviii.35)
Involvement Earnings: $1,795,000 ($5.98)
- Land Intergovernmental - Other: $41,117,000 ($136.93)
Highways: $13,390,000 ($44.59)
Full general Local Regime Support: $820,000 ($ii.73)
- Tax - Belongings: $143,895,000 ($479.xix)
Other Selective Sales: $123,752,000 ($412.xi)
Individual Income: $96,636,000 ($321.81)
Documentary and Stock Transfer: $29,763,000 ($99.12)
Amusements Sales: $17,341,000 ($57.75)
Occupation and Business organisation License - Other: $12,592,000 ($41.93)
Alcoholic Beverage License: $404,000 ($1.35)
Pittsburgh government finances - Debt in 2022 (per resident):
- Long Term Debt - Beginning Outstanding - Unspecified Public Purpose: $425,637,000 ($1417.44)
Outstanding Unspecified Public Purpose: $414,099,000 ($1379.02)
Retired Unspecified Public Purpose: $66,173,000 ($220.37)
Result, Unspecified Public Purpose: $54,635,000 ($181.94)
Beginning Outstanding - Public Debt for Private Purpose: $47,579,000 ($158.45)
Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Industrial Revenue: $32,024,000 ($106.64)
Retired Nonguaranteed - Public Debt for Private Purpose: $15,555,000 ($51.lxxx)
Pittsburgh regime finances - Cash and Securities in 2022 (per resident):
- Bond Funds - Cash and Securities: $82,029,000 ($273.17)
- Other Funds - Cash and Securities: $375,411,000 ($1250.xviii)
- Sinking Funds - Cash and Securities: $33,353,000 ($111.07)
three.75% of this county'south 2022 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2015 ($61,767 average adjusted gross income)
Hither: | 3.75% |
Pennsylvania average: | 4.58% |
0.03% of residents moved from foreign countries ($680 average AGI)
Allegheny County: 0.03% Pennsylvania average: 0.03%
Top counties from which taxpayers relocated into this county between 2022 and 2016:
4.xl% of this canton'due south 2022 resident taxpayers moved to other counties in 2016 ($97,201 average adapted gross income)
Here: | iv.40% |
Pennsylvania average: | iv.96% |
0.06% of residents moved to strange countries ($1,013 average AGI)
Allegheny County: 0.06% Pennsylvania average: 0.04%
Summit counties to which taxpayers relocated from this county between 2022 and 2016:
Businesses in Pittsburgh, PA | ||||
Name | Count | Name | Count | |
7-Eleven | 13 | Jones New York | 14 | |
ALDO | 2 | Journeys | 3 | |
AMF Bowling | 2 | Juicy Couture | 1 | |
AT&T | 9 | Justice | 4 | |
Abercrombie & Fitch | three | KFC | 9 | |
Abercrombie Kids | ii | Kincaid | one | |
Ace Hardware | 1 | Kmart | 5 | |
Advance Auto Parts | viii | Kohl's | 2 | |
Aeropostale | 2 | Kroger | iii | |
American Eagle Outfitters | 8 | LA Fitness | 3 | |
Ann Taylor | four | La-Z-Boy | three | |
Apple Shop | 3 | Lane Bryant | 2 | |
Applebee's | 5 | Lane Article of furniture | 6 | |
Arby'southward | v | LensCrafters | 3 | |
Avenue | ane | Little Caesars Pizza | 5 | |
BMW | i | Long John Argent's | three | |
Bakers | 1 | Lowe'south | 2 | |
Banana Commonwealth | 3 | Macy's | half-dozen | |
Barnes & Noble | three | MainStay | i | |
Baskin-Robbins | 2 | Marriott | 12 | |
Bath & Body Works | four | Marshalls | 1 | |
Bebe | ii | MasterBrand Cabinets | 26 | |
Bed Bathroom & Beyond | 3 | Mazda | 1 | |
Ben & Jerry'southward | 2 | McDonald's | 21 | |
Bentleymotors.Com | 1 | Men's Wearhouse | 5 | |
Best Western | ane | Microtel | one | |
Blockbuster | 2 | Motel 6 | 1 | |
Brooks Brothers | 2 | Motherhood Maternity | 6 | |
Brookstone | 3 | New Balance | 17 | |
Brunswick Bowling & Billiards | one | New York & Co | 3 | |
Upkeep Machine Rental | ii | Nike | 48 | |
Buffalo Wild Wings | 1 | Nissan | 2 | |
Burger King | 5 | Nordstrom | i | |
Burlington Glaze Mill | 2 | Part Depot | two | |
CVS | 10 | OfficeMax | two | |
Enshroud | 3 | Old Navy | 3 | |
Cambria | 1 | Olive Garden | 3 | |
Caribou Coffee | 4 | Outback | ii | |
Casual Male person Forty | 2 | Outback Steakhouse | 2 | |
Catherines | three | Pac Sun | 3 | |
Charlotte Russe | ii | Panera Bread | 8 | |
Chevrolet | 1 | Papa John'southward Pizza | 3 | |
Chick-Fil-A | 5 | Payless | 8 | |
Chico's | 3 | Penske | 3 | |
Chipotle | 6 | PetSmart | two | |
Chuck East. Cheese's | 1 | Pier ane Imports | three | |
Circle Thousand | 2 | Pizza Hut | 11 | |
Clarion | 1 | Plato'south Closet | one | |
Clarks | ii | Pottery Barn | 1 | |
Cold Stone Creamery | 3 | Pottery Barn Kids | 1 | |
Coldwater Creek | 1 | Qdoba Mexican Grill | eight | |
Condolement Inn | v | Quality | 2 | |
Costco | one | Quiznos | 5 | |
Cracker Butt | one | RadioShack | 14 | |
Crate & Barrel | 1 | Red Lobster | 3 | |
Cricket Wireless | 15 | Red Robin | one | |
Curves | 4 | Carmine Roof Inn | 1 | |
DHL | two | Rite Help | 43 | |
Dairy Queen | 12 | Rue21 | one | |
Deb | ane | Ryder Rental & Truck Leasing | 1 | |
Decora Cabinetry | 12 | SAS Shoes | 1 | |
Dennys | 5 | Saks Fifth Avenue | 1 | |
Domino'south Pizza | 5 | Sam'southward Social club | two | |
DressBarn | ane | Sears | xiv | |
Dressbarn | i | Sephora | 3 | |
Dunkin Donuts | 7 | Sheraton | ane | |
Econo Lodge | ane | Shoe Funfair | 2 | |
Eddie Bauer | 1 | Soma Intimates | 3 | |
Ethan Allen | 1 | Spencer Gifts | 2 | |
Express | three | Dart Nextel | vii | |
Extended Stay Palatial | 1 | Staples | 5 | |
Famous Footwear | 2 | Starbucks | 31 | |
Way Bug | 3 | Steak 'due north Shake | 1 | |
FedEx | 151 | Subaru | 3 | |
Finish Line | 3 | Subway | 50 | |
Firestone Complete Car Intendance | three | Super 8 | i | |
Human foot Locker | five | T-Mobile | 28 | |
Ford | 4 | T.Grand.I. Driday's | 3 | |
Forever 21 | 3 | T.J.Maxx | two | |
GNC | 23 | Taco Bell | seven | |
GameStop | 14 | Talbots | 4 | |
Gap | v | Target | 5 | |
Goodwill | 3 | The Athlete's Foot | 1 | |
Gymboree | 2 | The Cheesecake Manufactory | one | |
H&Grand | 3 | The Limited | 2 | |
H&R Block | 31 | The Room Place | one | |
Haworth | 1 | Toyota | 2 | |
Hilton | 6 | Toys"R"U.s. | 3 | |
Hobby Lobby | 1 | Trader Joe's | 2 | |
Vacation Inn | 7 | True Value | 5 | |
Hollister Co. | 3 | U-Haul | sixteen | |
Habitation Depot | five | UPS | 197 | |
Honda | 2 | Urban Outfitters | i | |
Hot Topic | three | Value City Furniture | ii | |
Houlihan's | iii | Vans | 6 | |
Hyatt | 4 | Verizon Wireless | vi | |
Hyundai | 1 | Victoria'southward Secret | iv | |
IHOP | 2 | Volkswagen | ane | |
IKEA | 1 | Walgreens | 6 | |
InTown Suites | 1 | Walmart | 2 | |
J. Jill | 2 | Wendy's | xvi | |
J.Crew | 3 | Westin | i | |
JCPenney | 2 | Moisture Seal | two | |
Jamba Juice | 1 | Whole Foods Market | one | |
Jimmy John's | iii | YMCA | 12 | |
JoS. A. Bank | 3 |
Strongest AM radio stations in Pittsburgh:
- WEAE (1250 AM; 5 kW; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: ABC, INC.)
- WJAS (1320 AM; half-dozen kW; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: RENDA Broadcasting CORP. OF NEVADA)
- KQV (1410 AM; 5 kW; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: CALVARY, INC.)
- WAMO (860 AM; 1 kW; MILLVALE, PA; Owner: SHERIDAN Broadcasting CORPORATION)
- WZUM (1590 AM; iv kW; CARNEGIE, PA; Possessor: HORVATH BROADCASTING, Fifty.L.C.)
- WPGR (1510 AM; v kW; MONROEVILLE, PA; Owner: MCL/ MCM- INC.)
Strongest FM radio stations in Pittsburgh:
Telly broadcast stations effectually Pittsburgh:
- WQED (Aqueduct 13; PITTSBURGH, PA; Possessor: WQED MULTIMEDIA)
- WIIC-LP (Channel 29; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: ABACUS Goggle box)
- WPXI (Channel 11; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: WPXI-Tv set HOLDINGS, INC.)
- WPGH-Idiot box (Channel 53; PITTSBURGH, PA; Possessor: WPGH LICENSEE, LLC)
- WPCB-TV (Channel 40; GREENSBURG, PA; Possessor: CORNERSTONE Boob tube, INC.)
- WTAE-Telly (Channel 4; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: WTAE HEARST-ARGYLE Boob tube, INC. (CA CORP.))
- WTOV-Television (Channel nine; STEUBENVILLE, OH; Possessor: WTOV-Tv set HOLDINGS, INC.)
- W25CI (Aqueduct 25; STEUBENVILLE, OH; Owner: ABACUS Television receiver)
Medal of Honor Recipients
Medal of Accolade Recipients born in Pittsburgh: Alfred Fifty. Pearson, Benjamin Wilson, Charles E. Kelly, Charles Francis Bishop, Charles Higby, Francis J. Herron, George Grand. McMurtry, James M. Schoonmaker, Louis Gedeon, Michael Sowers, Milton Matthews, Robert Blume, Robert Semple, Walter J. Volition, William D. Morgan, William R. Prom.
See more detailed statistics of Pittsburgh fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents for 1975 - 2022 hither
- National Bridge Inventory (NBI) Statistics
- 721Number of bridges
- 12,612ft / 3,844mTotal length
- $426,569,000Full costs
- 8,122,014Full average daily traffic
- 530,494Total average daily truck traffic
- New bridges - historical statistics
- 6 Before 1900
- 20 1900-1909
- 10 1910-1919
- 63 1920-1929
- 43 1930-1939
- eighteen 1940-1949
- 121 1950-1959
- 129 1960-1969
- 45 1970-1979
- 191 1980-1989
- 39 1990-1999
- 17 2000-2009
- 19 2010-2018
See full National Bridge Inventory statistics for Pittsburgh, PA
Habitation Mortgage Disclosure Human action Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2009 (Based on 140 total tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Dwelling Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Comeback Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | K) Loans On Manufactured Home Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 902 | $100,604 | 1,277 | $146,215 | two,503 | $146,478 | 590 | $44,447 | 47 | $1,091,936 | 493 | $104,649 | 0 | $0 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, Non Accustomed | 54 | $97,037 | 100 | $152,490 | 270 | $134,478 | 46 | $43,152 | 3 | $i,758,667 | 45 | $xc,756 | ii | $63,500 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 119 | $95,092 | 210 | $114,990 | 1,360 | $114,366 | 685 | $29,136 | 15 | $232,800 | 266 | $89,229 | two | $37,500 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 94 | $101,372 | 140 | $157,836 | 769 | $129,265 | 93 | $55,935 | 1 | $168,000 | 101 | $109,178 | 0 | $0 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 32 | $109,281 | 32 | $151,781 | 146 | $121,815 | eighteen | $37,833 | one | $560,000 | 23 | $94,522 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2008 (Based on 139 full tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Domicile Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < v Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | G) Loans On Manufactured Dwelling Dwelling house (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 617 | $93,446 | one,820 | $141,439 | 1,804 | $108,639 | 688 | $fifty,596 | 60 | $436,850 | 763 | $94,349 | 4 | $76,500 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Non Accustomed | 39 | $104,410 | 194 | $128,943 | 303 | $109,894 | 105 | $35,162 | 8 | $252,875 | 123 | $103,333 | 2 | $66,000 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 73 | $xc,151 | 347 | $116,314 | 2,158 | $xc,843 | 972 | $35,298 | 15 | $335,600 | 369 | $85,046 | 11 | $60,364 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 65 | $110,769 | 218 | $156,005 | 525 | $120,331 | 111 | $43,523 | vii | $887,143 | 102 | $106,951 | 3 | $85,000 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 17 | $79,882 | 53 | $133,509 | 144 | $111,993 | 23 | $66,826 | 1 | $600,000 | 30 | $134,600 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2007 (Based on 139 full tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | G) Loans On Manufactured Dwelling Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 371 | $88,933 | ii,906 | $116,120 | two,375 | $xc,105 | 1,154 | $76,378 | 44 | $504,750 | 1,113 | $xc,677 | four | $43,500 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accustomed | 16 | $94,188 | 365 | $115,329 | 593 | $95,831 | 198 | $35,919 | six | $215,333 | 210 | $85,262 | 1 | $103,000 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 47 | $91,149 | 671 | $91,450 | 3,622 | $85,887 | ane,509 | $32,472 | 16 | $609,063 | 677 | $78,208 | xiv | $55,143 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 38 | $91,474 | 299 | $105,987 | 981 | $97,490 | 108 | $60,731 | two | $310,000 | 144 | $99,931 | 1 | $80,000 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 2 | $136,500 | 74 | $114,284 | 238 | $105,042 | 21 | $36,286 | 0 | $0 | 46 | $80,848 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006 (Based on 141 total tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | G) Loans On Manufactured Home Dwelling house (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 408 | $84,951 | 3,441 | $99,847 | iii,216 | $83,175 | 1,400 | $34,782 | 58 | $1,876,483 | one,383 | $78,291 | 12 | $46,250 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, Non ACCEPTED | 26 | $71,154 | 409 | $95,817 | 808 | $84,724 | 235 | $26,298 | half-dozen | $398,167 | 193 | $73,420 | 4 | $54,750 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 24 | $74,875 | 807 | $84,243 | 4,047 | $fourscore,764 | i,644 | $28,429 | 17 | $189,706 | 751 | $64,505 | 25 | $59,520 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 34 | $85,059 | 426 | $98,329 | 1,641 | $91,364 | 126 | $53,579 | five | $102,600 | 245 | $79,253 | i | $89,000 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | iii | $64,333 | 66 | $105,439 | 325 | $98,917 | 27 | $45,407 | one | $385,000 | 45 | $86,444 | two | $104,500 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2005 (Based on 141 full tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Dwelling Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Comeback Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For five+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | 1000) Loans On Manufactured Dwelling house Domicile (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 318 | $79,208 | 3,257 | $99,879 | 3,660 | $83,910 | ane,286 | $37,097 | 40 | $292,100 | 1,417 | $69,706 | 7 | $32,000 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, NOT Accustomed | 24 | $84,208 | 372 | $92,414 | 918 | $75,309 | 235 | $33,634 | 2 | $1,807,000 | 204 | $62,799 | seven | $22,714 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 29 | $98,724 | 761 | $77,892 | 4,682 | $74,268 | ane,961 | $22,599 | 8 | $346,500 | 1,134 | $37,117 | 46 | $30,043 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 41 | $75,122 | 475 | $94,760 | 2,002 | $89,636 | 367 | $102,619 | 7 | $870,429 | 213 | $88,160 | 7 | $67,286 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 3 | $76,000 | 139 | $87,763 | 391 | $101,120 | 40 | $44,850 | ane | $100,000 | 87 | $72,230 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004 (Based on 141 full tracts) | ||||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Dwelling Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For five+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | Grand) Loans On Manufactured Home Dwelling (A B C & D) | ||||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 370 | $75,208 | three,081 | $102,768 | 5,072 | $83,608 | 1,482 | $32,198 | 61 | $438,820 | ane,563 | $67,568 | 25 | $23,920 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accustomed | 22 | $79,909 | 370 | $90,757 | 1,264 | $79,990 | 342 | $xxx,994 | five | $911,200 | 307 | $62,967 | 4 | $48,750 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 47 | $81,000 | 614 | $76,663 | five,120 | $72,802 | 2,038 | $21,194 | 17 | $195,176 | 1,109 | $37,833 | 31 | $39,097 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 47 | $85,532 | 383 | $109,159 | two,278 | $fourscore,216 | 219 | $48,416 | 3 | $81,333 | 194 | $87,881 | iii | $169,000 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 10 | $73,600 | 105 | $113,962 | 963 | $96,188 | 65 | $54,400 | 1 | $401,000 | ninety | $70,789 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2003 (Based on 140 full tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Dwelling Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Improvement Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 435 | $73,494 | 2,885 | $99,389 | 8,276 | $91,999 | 1,295 | $33,526 | 74 | $403,757 | 1,582 | $69,084 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, Non ACCEPTED | 35 | $76,600 | 354 | $81,647 | 2,149 | $78,735 | 327 | $37,183 | 4 | $237,750 | 233 | $57,116 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | l | $68,680 | 523 | $71,876 | 5,618 | $73,930 | 1,454 | $21,998 | 9 | $lxxx,444 | 787 | $48,290 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 45 | $72,178 | 341 | $95,226 | 2,095 | $78,974 | 164 | $23,451 | 1 | $188,000 | 181 | $lxx,779 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | vii | $83,857 | 84 | $93,429 | 447 | $97,949 | 46 | $56,870 | ane | $100,000 | 53 | $64,774 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2002 (Based on 129 full tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Buy Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Domicile Comeback Loans | East) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 346 | $seventy,673 | 2,093 | $92,750 | iv,812 | $87,051 | 848 | $26,297 | 37 | $553,378 | 1,014 | $67,563 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accepted | 22 | $72,818 | 260 | $72,754 | one,696 | $71,178 | 223 | $26,906 | four | $143,000 | 160 | $63,988 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 32 | $66,813 | 378 | $65,630 | 3,918 | $63,458 | 872 | $twenty,085 | 7 | $146,571 | 397 | $54,063 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 29 | $71,276 | 208 | $82,202 | ane,783 | $68,761 | 187 | $nineteen,342 | 4 | $764,000 | 119 | $64,319 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 11 | $51,091 | 124 | $76,960 | 725 | $73,764 | 27 | $45,519 | 0 | $0 | 96 | $60,396 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001 (Based on 129 full tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Purchase Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Home Comeback Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 423 | $66,277 | one,882 | $91,411 | 4,247 | $71,897 | 1,253 | $22,547 | 33 | $417,758 | 785 | $58,997 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Non ACCEPTED | 28 | $56,071 | 256 | $74,703 | 1,481 | $58,943 | 391 | $23,404 | 5 | $370,200 | 165 | $57,570 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 34 | $57,353 | 443 | $57,824 | four,291 | $54,744 | i,487 | $17,763 | 2 | $81,000 | 319 | $48,815 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 36 | $71,500 | 233 | $79,948 | 2,031 | $61,351 | 318 | $19,884 | 7 | $315,000 | 85 | $65,059 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 8 | $72,750 | 50 | $89,660 | 427 | $lxx,169 | 43 | $35,512 | 0 | $0 | l | $65,040 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2000 (Based on 128 full tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Home Buy Loans | B) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Domicile Improvement Loans | East) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 480 | $61,125 | 2,017 | $81,427 | 2,579 | $53,364 | 1,162 | $19,816 | 40 | $425,675 | 557 | $53,749 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accepted | xxx | $49,367 | 207 | $76,628 | 1,010 | $52,218 | 439 | $19,941 | 2 | $280,500 | 93 | $52,161 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 55 | $59,182 | 539 | $52,434 | 3,087 | $48,661 | one,274 | $nineteen,073 | 5 | $208,800 | 287 | $46,230 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 34 | $68,794 | 245 | $71,800 | ane,339 | $51,541 | 167 | $23,144 | 0 | $0 | 88 | $54,170 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 3 | $61,667 | 91 | $72,352 | 423 | $54,754 | 25 | $22,560 | 0 | $0 | 37 | $44,568 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999 (Based on 175 full and 7 partial tracts) | ||||||||||||
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VA Domicile Buy Loans | B) Conventional Dwelling house Purchase Loans | C) Refinancings | D) Dwelling house Comeback Loans | E) Loans on Dwellings For five+ Families | F) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A B C & D) | |||||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 676 | $58,851 | ii,438 | $88,460 | 4,110 | $57,416 | one,608 | $xix,119 | 42 | $285,710 | 841 | $55,929 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Non ACCEPTED | 52 | $lx,955 | 303 | $63,016 | 1,697 | $50,542 | 474 | $17,468 | iv | $508,260 | 128 | $48,653 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 61 | $55,865 | 576 | $51,765 | 4,018 | $45,982 | 1,805 | $16,023 | 5 | $289,830 | 367 | $43,206 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 58 | $66,581 | 284 | $66,232 | 1,970 | $fifty,586 | 445 | $27,379 | v | $107,600 | 151 | $55,498 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | xiii | $57,220 | 114 | $64,558 | 464 | $55,050 | fourteen | $34,438 | 0 | $0 | 49 | $44,426 |
Detailed mortgage data for all 141 tracts in Pittsburgh, PA
Individual Mortgage Insurance Companies Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009 (Based on 100 full tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Habitation Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Not-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 276 | $135,344 | 77 | $176,377 | 5 | $114,600 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accepted | 49 | $138,939 | 35 | $152,171 | 6 | $92,167 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 24 | $204,000 | 13 | $205,000 | 2 | $353,000 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 8 | $95,375 | 6 | $177,500 | 2 | $53,000 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | half dozen | $129,167 | 0 | $0 | 2 | $178,500 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2008 (Based on 121 full tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Buy Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 599 | $117,331 | 161 | $124,472 | 116 | $86,586 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not ACCEPTED | 154 | $122,123 | 81 | $128,556 | 38 | $95,684 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 45 | $94,578 | 20 | $138,100 | 27 | $97,926 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 21 | $106,524 | 8 | $126,250 | 7 | $70,857 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 10 | $87,600 | ii | $321,500 | 5 | $162,200 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2007 (Based on 123 full tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family unit Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 791 | $92,608 | 198 | $102,500 | 162 | $73,580 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, Non Accepted | 96 | $93,031 | 29 | $89,552 | 26 | $threescore,308 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 17 | $68,706 | xiii | $164,077 | xviii | $130,167 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 35 | $75,800 | 13 | $97,692 | 16 | $82,875 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 6 | $66,667 | one | $101,000 | 1 | $32,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006 (Based on 118 total tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Domicile Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 557 | $87,679 | 143 | $93,175 | 129 | $74,279 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accepted | 67 | $86,731 | 39 | $98,744 | 20 | $71,300 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 13 | $120,615 | vii | $67,571 | 8 | $142,125 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | fifteen | $108,200 | 16 | $101,813 | seven | $82,571 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | two | $85,500 | 0 | $0 | 0 | $0 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2005 (Based on 121 full tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Buy Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 583 | $82,837 | 177 | $99,927 | 152 | $54,454 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accepted | 94 | $89,149 | 57 | $101,211 | 24 | $57,125 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | iv | $80,000 | 1 | $340,000 | 2 | $117,000 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 18 | $130,556 | 20 | $87,550 | viii | $49,000 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 3 | $86,333 | 3 | $74,667 | 1 | $79,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004 (Based on 130 full tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Not-occupant Loans on < 5 Family unit Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 691 | $eighty,360 | 275 | $82,225 | 156 | $66,179 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, Non Accepted | 99 | $83,152 | 104 | $84,913 | 33 | $63,697 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 15 | $54,800 | 14 | $125,714 | eight | $54,750 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 34 | $89,176 | 27 | $79,481 | 17 | $68,235 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 8 | $69,375 | 4 | $124,750 | 5 | $61,800 |
Aggregated Statistics For Yr 2003 (Based on 130 total tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < five Family unit Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 829 | $85,440 | 523 | $92,338 | 185 | $62,951 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, Not Accepted | 118 | $84,932 | 181 | $89,823 | 29 | $58,207 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 24 | $71,250 | 19 | $91,789 | 12 | $48,750 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 38 | $92,000 | 44 | $86,386 | 15 | $66,467 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 1 | $85,000 | five | $63,000 | 1 | $32,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2002 (Based on 115 total tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Dwelling Buy Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 684 | $79,152 | 374 | $85,361 | 125 | $62,984 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, NOT ACCEPTED | 95 | $72,116 | 87 | $84,828 | 28 | $57,821 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | sixteen | $68,125 | 10 | $fourscore,200 | six | $59,333 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 21 | $98,381 | 43 | $85,512 | 7 | $63,857 |
FILES Closed FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 1 | $79,000 | 2 | $71,000 | i | $94,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001 (Based on 118 full tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Habitation Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 700 | $84,310 | 312 | $88,833 | 105 | $62,638 |
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT Accepted | 77 | $83,234 | 61 | $84,492 | 18 | $54,278 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 9 | $87,667 | 18 | $93,500 | half dozen | $59,167 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 4 | $127,000 | 9 | $84,667 | one | $44,000 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 1 | $111,000 | 2 | $100,000 | 1 | $60,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Twelvemonth 2000 (Based on 113 total tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < v Family Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 578 | $77,929 | 126 | $64,508 | 68 | $56,559 |
APPLICATIONS Approved, Non Accustomed | 47 | $71,404 | 30 | $68,167 | 8 | $38,875 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 23 | $62,174 | 11 | $76,182 | 6 | $49,333 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 19 | $70,684 | v | $73,400 | iii | $55,333 |
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS | 4 | $79,250 | 1 | $265,000 | ii | $46,000 |
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999 (Based on 147 full and 5 fractional tracts) | ||||||
A) Conventional Home Purchase Loans | B) Refinancings | C) Non-occupant Loans on < five Family unit Dwellings (A & B) | ||||
Number | Average Value | Number | Boilerplate Value | Number | Average Value | |
LOANS ORIGINATED | 683 | $88,607 | 261 | $71,848 | 72 | $51,398 |
APPLICATIONS Canonical, NOT ACCEPTED | 57 | $88,895 | 47 | $88,057 | eight | $60,500 |
APPLICATIONS DENIED | 25 | $66,469 | 11 | $82,120 | vii | $65,700 |
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN | 11 | $87,268 | 7 | $99,754 | 3 | $56,000 |
FILES Airtight FOR INCOMPLETENESS | ten | $59,186 | ii | $171,000 | 0 | $0 |
2003 - 2022 National Fire Incident Reporting Organisation (NFIRS) incidents
Meet full National Fire Incident Reporting Arrangement statistics for Pittsburgh, PABurn down-safe hotels and motels in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
- Quality Suites, 700 Mansfield Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 , Phone: (412) 279-6300, Fax: (412) 279-4993
- Holiday Inn Limited & Suites, 5311 Campbell'south Run Rd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 , Telephone: (412) 788-8400, Fax: (412) 788-2577
- Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, 100 Lytton Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 , Phone: (412) 682-6200, Fax: (412) 681-4749
- Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pittsburgh West - Greentree, 875 Greentree Rd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15220 , Telephone: (412) 922-7070, Fax: (412) 922-4949
- Wyndham K Pittsburgh Downtown, 600 Republic Pl, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 , Telephone: (412) 391-4600, Fax: (412) 594-5161
- Red Roof Inn, 6404 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 , Phone: (412) 787-7870, Fax: (412) 787-8392
- Sheraton Station Square Hotel, 300 Westward Sta Foursquare Dr, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 , Phone: (412) 261-2000, Fax: (412) 261-2932
- Marriott Pittsburgh City Center, 112 Washington Pl, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 , Phone: (412) 471-4000, Fax: (412) 394-1017
- 63 other hotels and motels
Most mutual first names in Pittsburgh, PA among deceased individuals | ||
Name | Count | Lived (boilerplate) |
John | 12,749 | 74.3 years |
Mary | 12,253 | lxxx.2 years |
William | 8,983 | 73.9 years |
Joseph | 7,640 | 74.9 years |
James | 6,210 | 72.2 years |
Anna | 6,084 | 82.1 years |
Margaret | 6,021 | 79.9 years |
Robert | 5,261 | 70.half-dozen years |
Charles | 5,240 | 74.iii years |
Helen | five,182 | 79.6 years |
Most common concluding names in Pittsburgh, PA among deceased individuals | ||
Final proper name | Count | Lived (average) |
Smith | ii,379 | 75.9 years |
Miller | two,066 | 76.8 years |
Brownish | ane,494 | 75.three years |
Jones | 1,489 | 74.6 years |
Williams | one,387 | 74.6 years |
Johnson | 1,290 | 74.3 years |
Davis | 1,084 | 74.8 years |
Thomas | 931 | 74.8 years |
Wilson | 845 | years |
Jackson | 769 | 73.5 years |
Houses and condos Apartments
- 89.7% Utility gas
- vii.4% Electricity
- one.six% Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
- 0.7% Bottled, tank, or LP gas
- 0.2% Other fuel
- 0.two% No fuel used
- Wood
Pittsburgh compared to Pennsylvania state average:
- Black race population percentage above state average.
- Hispanic race population percentage beneath state average.
- Median age below country average.
- Renting per centum above land average.
- Number of college students above country average.
- Per centum of population with a bachelor's degree or higher above land boilerplate.
Pittsburgh on our top lists:
- #ix on the list of "Pinnacle 101 cities with the most mentions on forum"
- #xiii on the list of "Height 101 cities with the largest house values disparities (population fifty,000+)"
- #14 on the list of "Top 101 cities with largest percentage population decreases in the 1990s) (population 50,000+)"
- #17 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the lowest percent of family households, population 100,000+"
- #17 on the list of "Top 100 cities with oldest houses (pop. 50,000+)"
- #eighteen on the list of "Top 100 cities with failing populations from 2000 to 2022 (pop. l,000+)"
- #18 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest number of arson incidents per 100,000 residents, excludes tourist destinations and others with a lot of outsiders visiting based on metropolis industries information (population 50,000+)"
- #18 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest average snow in a twelvemonth (population l,000+)"
- #18 on the list of "Meridian 101 cities with the least cars per house, population 50,000+"
- #18 on the list of "Top 100 cities with one-time houses simply immature residents (pop. l,000+)"
- #19 on the list of "Pinnacle 101 cities with the largest percentage population subtract from 2000 (population 50,000+)"
- #19 on the list of "Height 101 cities with largest percent of males in industries: health care and social assistance (population 50,000+)"
- #21 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the lowest maximum monthly sunshine corporeality (population 50,000+)"
- #24 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the lowest boilerplate sunshine amount (population 50,000+)"
- #28 on the list of "Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males in occupations: community and social service occupations (population 50,000+)"
- #34 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest pct of high school students in private schools (3,000+ students)"
- #34 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the most people taking a autobus, a trolley passenger vehicle, a streetcar, or a trolley automobile to work (population 5,000+)"
- #35 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest household incomes disparities (population 50,000+)"
- #39 on the list of "Top 101 larger cities with the highest increase in household income from 2000 (population 50,000+)"
- #40 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest ratio of murders to rapes betwixt 2002 and 2012 (population l,000+)"
- #25 (15213) on the listing of "Top 101 naught codes with the most big companies in 2005 (at least g employees)"
- #25 (15219) on the list of "Top 101 goose egg codes with the most offices of lawyers in 2005"
- #32 (15222) on the list of "Acme 101 naught codes with the most medium-big companies in 2005 (at to the lowest degree 100 employees)"
- #53 (15212) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the most alcohol drinking places in 2005"
- #65 (15222) on the list of "Summit 101 zip codes with the most finance and insurance companies in 2005"
- #93 (15207) on the list of "Meridian 101 zip codes with the largest percent of Slovak first ancestries (popular 5,000+)"
- #3 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the nearly Mainline Protestant congregations"
- #three on the list of "Superlative 101 counties with the well-nigh Catholic congregations"
- #6 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the most Orthodox congregations"
- #8 on the listing of "Summit 101 counties with the almost Mainline Protestant adherents"
- #fifteen on the listing of "Height 101 counties with the most Cosmic adherents (pop. 50,000+)"
State forum archive:
- Pennsylvania Pages: 2 3 4 5 six 7 8 nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 xviii 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
- Harrisburg area Pages: 2 3 4 v six seven
- Lehigh Valley Pages: two 3 four 5 vi 7 viii 9 10 xi 12 xiii 14 15
- Northeastern Pennsylvania Pages: ii iii iv 5 6 seven viii 9 10 eleven 12 13 xiv fifteen xvi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
- Philadelphia Pages: two iii iv v 6 7 viii 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 xviii xix twenty 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 lx
- Pittsburgh Pages: two 3 four 5 half dozen 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 xl 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 fifty 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 threescore 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 lxxx 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
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