Review a Boy Throws a Stone Straight Upward With an Initial Speed of 100 M/s

3 Move Along a Straight Line

3.five Costless Autumn

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Utilize the kinematic equations with the variables y and m to clarify costless-fall movement.
  • Describe how the values of the position, velocity, and acceleration modify during a free autumn.
  • Solve for the position, velocity, and acceleration every bit functions of fourth dimension when an object is in a free fall.

An interesting application of (Effigy) through (Figure) is chosen complimentary fall, which describes the motion of an object falling in a gravitational field, such as almost the surface of Earth or other celestial objects of planetary size. Let'southward assume the body is falling in a straight line perpendicular to the surface, so its movement is one-dimensional. For example, we tin estimate the depth of a vertical mine shaft by dropping a rock into it and listening for the rock to hit the bottom. Simply "falling," in the context of complimentary fall, does not necessarily imply the torso is moving from a greater height to a lesser height. If a ball is thrown upwards, the equations of free fall apply every bit to its rising as well as its descent.


The most remarkable and unexpected fact virtually falling objects is that if air resistance and friction are negligible, then in a given location all objects fall toward the eye of Earth with the aforementioned abiding dispatch, contained of their mass. This experimentally determined fact is unexpected because we are then accustomed to the furnishings of air resistance and friction that nosotros look light objects to fall slower than heavy ones. Until Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) proved otherwise, people believed that a heavier object has a greater acceleration in a free fall. We now know this is not the case. In the absence of air resistance, heavy objects arrive at the ground at the aforementioned time every bit lighter objects when dropped from the same pinnacle (Figure).

Left figure shows a hammer and a feather falling down in air. Hammer is below the feather. Middle figure shows a hammer and a feather falling down in vacuum. Hammer and feather are at the same level. Right figure shows astronaut on the surface of the moon with hammer and a feather lying on the ground.
Figure 3.26 A hammer and a plume fall with the same abiding dispatch if air resistance is negligible. This is a general characteristic of gravity not unique to Earth, as astronaut David R. Scott demonstrated in 1971 on the Moon, where the acceleration from gravity is only i.67 thousand/s2 and at that place is no temper.

In the real world, air resistance tin cause a lighter object to autumn slower than a heavier object of the aforementioned size. A tennis ball reaches the ground afterwards a baseball dropped at the same time. (It might exist difficult to observe the difference if the height is non large.) Air resistance opposes the movement of an object through the air, and friction betwixt objects—such as betwixt clothes and a laundry chute or betwixt a stone and a pool into which information technology is dropped—also opposes motion betwixt them.

For the ideal situations of these kickoff few chapters, an object falling without air resistance or friction is divers to be in free fall. The force of gravity causes objects to fall toward the centre of Earth. The dispatch of free-falling objects is therefore chosen dispatch due to gravity. Dispatch due to gravity is constant, which ways we can utilize the kinematic equations to any falling object where air resistance and friction are negligible. This opens to usa a wide class of interesting situations.

Acceleration due to gravity is so important that its magnitude is given its ain symbol, g. It is abiding at any given location on Earth and has the average value


Although yard varies from 9.78 m/southwardii to 9.83 m/s2, depending on latitude, altitude, underlying geological formations, and local topography, let's use an average value of 9.8 m/sii rounded to two significant figures in this text unless specified otherwise. Neglecting these effects on the value of g as a upshot of position on Earth'southward surface, likewise as effects resulting from World's rotation, we take the direction of acceleration due to gravity to be down (toward the center of Globe). In fact, its management defines what we telephone call vertical. Notation that whether dispatch a in the kinematic equations has the value +g or −g depends on how we ascertain our coordinate organization. If we define the upward direction as positive, and then


and if nosotros define the downward direction equally positive, and so



One-Dimensional Motion Involving Gravity

The best way to run into the basic features of motion involving gravity is to start with the simplest situations and then progress toward more complex ones. And then, we start by considering directly up-and-down movement with no air resistance or friction. These assumptions hateful the velocity (if there is any) is vertical. If an object is dropped, nosotros know the initial velocity is zero when in free fall. When the object has left contact with whatever held or threw it, the object is in free fall. When the object is thrown, it has the aforementioned initial speed in free fall as it did before it was released. When the object comes in contact with the ground or any other object, it is no longer in free fall and its acceleration of 1000 is no longer valid. Under these circumstances, the motion is 1-dimensional and has constant acceleration of magnitude g. We represent vertical displacement with the symbol y.

Kinematic Equations for Objects in Free Fall

We presume hither that acceleration equals −g (with the positive direction upwardly).




Trouble-Solving Strategy: Free Fall

  1. Make up one's mind on the sign of the dispatch of gravity. In (Figure) through (Figure), dispatch g is negative, which says the positive direction is upward and the negative direction is downwards. In some bug, it may exist useful to have dispatch thou as positive, indicating the positive direction is downward.
  2. Describe a sketch of the problem. This helps visualize the physics involved.
  3. Record the knowns and unknowns from the problem description. This helps devise a strategy for selecting the advisable equations to solve the problem.
  4. Decide which of (Figure) through (Figure) are to be used to solve for the unknowns.


Costless Fall of a Ball(Figure) shows the positions of a ball, at 1-south intervals, with an initial velocity of four.nine one thousand/south downwardly, that is thrown from the superlative of a 98-m-high building. (a) How much time elapses before the ball reaches the basis? (b) What is the velocity when it arrives at the ground?

Figure shows the ball thrown downward from a tall building at a speed of - 4.9 meters per second. After one second, ball is lower by 9.8 meters and has a speed of -14.7 meters per second. After two seconds, ball is lower by 29.4 meters and has a speed of -24.5 meters per second. After three seconds, ball is lower by 58.8 meters and has a speed of -34.5 meters per second. After four seconds, ball is lower by 98.0 meters and has a speed of -44.1 meters per second.
Effigy 3.27 The positions and velocities at 1-due south intervals of a ball thrown downward from a tall edifice at 4.9 yard/due south.


Cull the origin at the superlative of the building with the positive direction upwards and the negative direction downward. To notice the fourth dimension when the position is −98 one thousand, we use (Effigy), with




  1. [reveal-answer q="801478″]Evidence Answer[/reveal-respond]
    [hidden-reply a="801478″]Substitute the given values into the equation:

    \[\begin{array}{cc} y={y}_{0}+{v}_{0}t-\frac{1}{2}g{t}^{2}\hfill \\ -98.0\,\text{m}=0-(4.9\,\text{m/s})t-\frac{1}{2}(9.8\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}){t}^{2}.\hfill \end{array}\]

    This simplifies to


    This is a quadratic equation with roots


    . The positive root is the ane we are interested in, since time


    is the time when the ball is released at the meridian of the edifice. (The time


    represents the fact that a ball thrown upward from the ground would have been in the air for 5.0 south when it passed past the peak of the building moving downwardly at iv.ix m/s.)[/hidden-reply]

  2. [reveal-answer q="736816″]Evidence Answer[/reveal-reply]
    [subconscious-reply a="736816″]Using (Figure), we have




For situations when two roots are obtained from a quadratic equation in the time variable, we must wait at the physical significance of both roots to decide which is correct. Since


corresponds to the fourth dimension when the brawl was released, the negative root would correspond to a time before the ball was released, which is not physically meaningful. When the ball hits the ground, its velocity is not immediately zero, but as soon as the brawl interacts with the ground, its acceleration is not g and it accelerates with a different value over a curt time to zero velocity. This problem shows how important information technology is to establish the right coordinate system and to go along the signs of grand in the kinematic equations consistent.


Vertical Motion of a Baseball

A batter hits a baseball direct upward at home plate and the brawl is caught v.0 southward subsequently it is struck (Effigy). (a) What is the initial velocity of the brawl? (b) What is the maximum height the ball reaches? (c) How long does it accept to reach the maximum height? (d) What is the acceleration at the pinnacle of its path? (east) What is the velocity of the ball when it is caught? Presume the brawl is striking and defenseless at the same location.

Left picture shows a baseball player hitting the ball at time equal zero seconds. Right picture shows a baseball player catching the ball at time equal five seconds.
Figure 3.28 A baseball hit straight up is caught by the catcher 5.0 s afterwards.


Choose a coordinate system with a positive y-axis that is straight upwards and with an origin that is at the spot where the brawl is striking and defenseless.


  1. (Figure) gives



    which gives



  2. At the maximum meridian,


    . With


    , (Effigy) gives





  3. To find the fourth dimension when


    , we apply (Figure):



    This gives


    . Since the ball rises for 2.five southward, the time to fall is two.five due south.

  4. [reveal-respond q="430807″]Show Answer[/reveal-answer]
    [hidden-respond a="430807″]The acceleration is 9.eight chiliad/s2 everywhere, even when the velocity is zero at the top of the path. Although the velocity is nada at the superlative, it is irresolute at the rate of 9.8 m/s2 downward.[/hidden-respond]
  5. [reveal-answer q="984068″]Show Answer[/reveal-reply]
    [hidden-answer a="984068″]The velocity at


    can be determined with (Figure):

    \[\begin{array}{cc}\hfill v& ={v}_{0}-gt\hfill \\ & =24.5\,\text{m/s}-9.8{\text{m/s}}^{2}(5.0\,\text{s})\hfill \\ & =-24.5\,\text{m/s}.\hfill \end{array}\]



The ball returns with the speed it had when it left. This is a general property of complimentary autumn for any initial velocity. We used a single equation to go from throw to grab, and did non have to intermission the motion into 2 segments, up and downward. Nosotros are used to thinking of the effect of gravity is to create gratuitous fall downwardly toward Earth. Information technology is important to empathize, every bit illustrated in this example, that objects moving upward away from Earth are also in a state of free autumn.

Bank check Your Understanding

A chunk of water ice breaks off a glacier and falls 30.0 m before it hits the h2o. Assuming information technology falls freely (at that place is no air resistance), how long does it accept to hit the water? Which quantity increases faster, the speed of the ice chunk or its distance traveled?

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168327925554″]Evidence Solution[/reveal-reply]

[hidden-answer a="fs-id1168327925554″]

Information technology takes 2.47 s to hit the water. The quantity distance traveled increases faster.



Rocket Booster

A minor rocket with a booster blasts off and heads straight upward. When at a height of


and velocity of 200.0 m/southward, it releases its booster. (a) What is the maximum height the booster attains? (b) What is the velocity of the booster at a superlative of half-dozen.0 km? Neglect air resistance.

Figure shows a rocket releasing a booster.
Figure 3.29 A rocket releases its booster at a given height and velocity. How loftier and how fast does the booster go?


We demand to select the coordinate arrangement for the acceleration of gravity, which nosotros take as negative downward. We are given the initial velocity of the booster and its acme. We consider the betoken of release equally the origin. We know the velocity is zero at the maximum position within the acceleration interval; thus, the velocity of the booster is naught at its maximum peak, then we can use this information as well. From these observations, we use (Effigy), which gives us the maximum height of the booster. Nosotros also use (Figure) to give the velocity at 6.0 km. The initial velocity of the booster is 200.0 yard/s.


  1. From (Effigy),
    [reveal-respond q="761449″]Show Answer[/reveal-answer]
    [hidden-answer a="761449″]


    . With


    , we tin can solve for y:


    This solution gives the maximum height of the booster in our coordinate system, which has its origin at the indicate of release, so the maximum acme of the booster is roughly 7.0 km.[/hidden-answer]

  2. [reveal-answer q="897934″]Show Answer[/reveal-answer]
    [hidden-respond a="897934″]An altitude of 6.0 km corresponds to


    in the coordinate organisation we are using. The other initial atmospheric condition are


    .[/hidden-answer]We have, from (Figure),

    [reveal-answer q="228115″]Show Answer[/reveal-respond]
    [hidden-answer a="228115″]




We accept both a positive and negative solution in (b). Since our coordinate system has the positive direction up, the +142.8 thou/s corresponds to a positive upward velocity at 6000 m during the upward leg of the trajectory of the booster. The value 5 = −142.8 m/southward corresponds to the velocity at 6000 m on the downward leg. This example is also important in that an object is given an initial velocity at the origin of our coordinate system, but the origin is at an altitude above the surface of Earth, which must be taken into account when forming the solution.

Visit this site to learn about graphing polynomials. The shape of the curve changes equally the constants are adjusted. View the curves for the individual terms (for case, y = bx) to come across how they add to generate the polynomial curve.


  • An object in complimentary fall experiences abiding acceleration if air resistance is negligible.
  • On Earth, all gratis-falling objects have an acceleration grand due to gravity, which averages



  • For objects in free fall, the upward direction is normally taken as positive for deportation, velocity, and acceleration.

Conceptual Questions

What is the acceleration of a rock thrown straight upward on the way up? At the top of its flying? On the way down? Assume there is no air resistance.

An object that is thrown straight up falls back to Earth. This is ane-dimensional motion. (a) When is its velocity zero? (b) Does its velocity change direction? (c) Does the dispatch have the same sign on the mode up as on the fashion downwardly?

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168327958884″]Show Solution[/reveal-answer]

[hidden-answer a="fs-id1168327958884″]

a. at the top of its trajectory; b. yep, at the height of its trajectory; c. yep


Suppose you throw a rock most directly upwards at a kokosnoot in a palm tree and the stone simply misses the coconut on the fashion up but hits the coconut on the way downwards. Neglecting air resistance and the slight horizontal variation in motility to account for the hit and miss of the coconut, how does the speed of the rock when information technology hits the coconut on the way down compare with what it would have been if it had hitting the coconut on the manner up? Is it more likely to dislodge the coconut on the mode upwards or downwards? Explain.

The severity of a fall depends on your speed when y'all strike the basis. All factors merely the acceleration from gravity existence the same, how many times higher could a safe autumn on the Moon than on Earth (gravitational acceleration on the Moon is about 1-sixth that of the World)?

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168325788809″]Testify Solution[/reveal-reply]

[subconscious-respond a="fs-id1168325788809″]



; Moon

\[{v}^{\prime }=\frac{g}{6}{t}^{\prime }v={v}^{\prime }\enspace-gt=-\frac{g}{6}{t}^{\prime }\enspace{t}^{\prime }=6t\]

; Earth



\[{y}^{\prime }=-\frac{1}{2}\,\frac{g}{6}{(6t)}^{2}=-\frac{1}{2}g6{t}^{2}=-6(\frac{1}{2}g{t}^{2})=-6y\]


How many times college could an astronaut bound on the Moon than on Earth if her takeoff speed is the aforementioned in both locations (gravitational acceleration on the Moon is virtually on-sixth of that on Earth)?


Calculate the displacement and velocity at times of (a) 0.500 s, (b) one.00 due south, (c) one.fifty s, and (d) 2.00 south for a ball thrown straight upward with an initial velocity of fifteen.0 m/s. Take the point of release to be



Calculate the displacement and velocity at times of (a) 0.500 s, (b) 1.00 s, (c) i.fifty southward, (d) two.00 s, and (e) 2.50 s for a rock thrown direct down with an initial velocity of 14.0 one thousand/southward from the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City. The roadway of this bridge is seventy.0 m above the water.

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168327932118″]Show Solution[/reveal-answer]

[hidden-answer a="fs-id1168327932118″]


\[\begin{array}{cc} y=-8.23\,\text{m}\hfill \\ {v}_{1}=\text{−}18.9\,\text{m/s}\hfill \end{array}\]


\[\begin{array}{cc} y=-18.9\,\text{m}\hfill \\ {v}_{2}=23.8\,\text{m/s}\hfill \end{array}\]



\[\begin{array}{cc} y=-32.0\,\text{m}\hfill \\ {v}_{3}=\text{−}28.7\,\text{m/s}\hfill \end{array}\]



\[\begin{array}{cc} y=-47.6\,\text{m}\hfill \\ {v}_{4}=\text{−}33.6\,\text{m/s}\hfill \end{array}\]


due east.

\[\begin{array}{cc} y=-65.6\,\text{m}\hfill \\ {v}_{5}=\text{−}38.5\,\text{m/s}\hfill \end{array}\]


A basketball referee tosses the ball straight upwardly for the starting tip-off. At what velocity must a basketball histrion get out the footing to ascent 1.25 thousand above the floor in an attempt to go the ball?

A rescue helicopter is hovering over a person whose boat has sunk. Ane of the rescuers throws a life preserver straight down to the victim with an initial velocity of 1.xl yard/s and observes that it takes one.viii s to accomplish the water. (a) Listing the knowns in this problem. (b) How high higher up the water was the preserver released? Notation that the downdraft of the helicopter reduces the furnishings of air resistance on the falling life preserver, and so that an dispatch equal to that of gravity is reasonable.

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168327876420″]Show Solution[/reveal-answer]

[subconscious-answer a="fs-id1168327876420″]

a. Knowns:




and the origin is at the rescuers, who are xviii.4 m above the water.


Unreasonable results A dolphin in an aquatic show jumps straight up out of the water at a velocity of 15.0 m/south. (a) Listing the knowns in this trouble. (b) How loftier does his trunk rise to a higher place the water? To solve this part, first note that the final velocity is at present a known, and identify its value. Then, place the unknown and hash out how you chose the appropriate equation to solve for information technology. Later on choosing the equation, testify your steps in solving for the unknown, checking units, and discuss whether the reply is reasonable. (c) How long a time is the dolphin in the air? Neglect any effects resulting from his size or orientation.

A diver bounces straight up from a diving board, avoiding the diving lath on the way downwardly, and falls feet first into a puddle. She starts with a velocity of 4.00 m/s and her takeoff point is i.eighty m to a higher place the pool. (a) What is her highest point in a higher place the board? (b) How long a time are her feet in the air? (c) What is her velocity when her feet hit the water?

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168328246433″]Testify Solution[/reveal-answer]

[subconscious-answer a="fs-id1168328246433″]



; b. to the apex


times 2 to the lath = 0.82 s from the lath to the h2o



, solution to quadratic equation gives 1.thirteen s; c.

\[\begin{array}{c}{v}^{2}={v}_{0}^{2}-2g(y-{y}_{0})\enspace{y}_{0}=0\enspace\enspace{v}_{0}=4.0\,\text{m}\text{/}\text{s}y=-1.80\,\text{m}\hfill \\ v=7.16\,\text{m}\text{/}\text{s}\hfill \end{array}\]


(a) Calculate the acme of a cliff if it takes ii.35 southward for a rock to striking the footing when it is thrown straight up from the cliff with an initial velocity of eight.00 thou/s. (b) How long a time would information technology take to accomplish the ground if it is thrown directly downwardly with the same speed?

A very potent, but inept, shot putter puts the shot directly up vertically with an initial velocity of xi.0 m/s. How long a time does he take to get out of the mode if the shot was released at a height of ii.xx m and he is 1.80 m tall?

[reveal-reply q="fs-id1168328325887″]Show Solution[/reveal-answer]

[subconscious-answer a="fs-id1168328325887″]

Time to the apex:


times ii equals 2.24 s to a summit of 2.20 g. To 1.80 m in pinnacle is an additional 0.forty m.

\[\begin{array}{cc} y={y}_{0}+{v}_{0}t-\frac{1}{2}g{t}^{2}y=-0.40\,\text{m}\enspace{y}_{0}=0\enspace{v}_{0}=-11.0\,\text{m}\text{/}\text{s}\hfill \\ y={y}_{0}+{v}_{0}t-\frac{1}{2}g{t}^{2}y=-0.40\,\text{m}\enspace{y}_{0}=0\enspace{v}_{0}=-11.0\,\text{m}\text{/}\text{s}\hfill \\ -0.40=-11.0t-4.9{t}^{2}\enspace\text{or}\enspace4.9{t}^{2}+11.0t-0.40=0\hfill \end{array}\]

Take the positive root, and then the time to go the additional 0.4 one thousand is 0.04 s. Total time is




You throw a brawl straight up with an initial velocity of xv.0 1000/s. It passes a tree branch on the way upwards at a height of seven.0 1000. How much additional time elapses before the ball passes the tree branch on the manner dorsum down?

A kangaroo tin can jump over an object two.50 m high. (a) Considering just its vertical move, calculate its vertical speed when information technology leaves the ground. (b) How long a time is it in the air?

[reveal-answer q="fs-id1168328168679″]Show Solution[/reveal-reply]

[hidden-answer a="fs-id1168328168679″]


\[\begin{array}{cc} {v}^{2}={v}_{0}^{2}-2g(y-{y}_{0})\enspace{y}_{0}=0v=0y=2.50\,\text{m}\hfill \\ {v}_{0}^{2}=2gy⇒{v}_{0}=\sqrt{2(9.80)(2.50)}=7.0\,\text{m}\text{/}\text{s}\hfill \end{array}\]

; b.


times 2 gives 1.44 southward in the air

Standing at the base of one of the cliffs of Mt. Arapiles in Victoria, Australia, a hiker hears a stone break loose from a height of 105.0 k. He can't meet the rock right away, but then does, i.50 s later. (a) How far above the hiker is the rock when he can meet it? (b) How much fourth dimension does he accept to move before the rock hits his caput?

There is a 250-m-loftier cliff at Half Dome in Yosemite National Park in California. Suppose a bedrock breaks loose from the elevation of this cliff. (a) How fast volition it be going when it strikes the ground? (b) Assuming a reaction time of 0.300 s, how long a fourth dimension will a tourist at the bottom take to get out of the way afterwards hearing the sound of the rock breaking loose (neglecting the peak of the tourist, which would become negligible anyway if hitting)? The speed of sound is 335.0 m/southward on this day.

[reveal-respond q="fs-id1168327989886″]Bear witness Solution[/reveal-answer]

[hidden-respond a="fs-id1168327989886″]



; b. time heard after stone begins to fall: 0.75 s, time to reach the footing: 6.09 s


acceleration due to gravity
dispatch of an object as a upshot of gravity
gratuitous fall
the state of movement that results from gravitational force only


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